Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Go! Go! update

My boyfriend, H., lives in Georgia. He's the perfect man: a fantastic cook and good in bed - what more could a girl want? We see each other every month or so - I fly down there and fatten up on barbecue and grits, he comes to New York and we stop at Go! Go! Curry on the way in from LaGuardia. Sometimes I wonder if he's here for me or the katsu. Last weekend was one of those glorious occasions, with one catch: he's doing the whole carb-free thing, which means no fried chicken cutlets atop a mound of rice. There goes that vacation. Luckily, Go! Go! sells containers of their curry sauce to go - it's 10 bucks for a small one, but "small" turns out to be about a quart of the stuff, enough to last through several binges. So with that in hand I made my own healthy(ish), carb-free version. H. loved it, and the leftovers were still tasty a few days later for lunch. Success.

The Recipe:
Mince some garlic and ginger. Put it in a ziplock bag with some raw chicken breasts, salt a dash of cayenne, and soy/sesame/olive/whatever oil. Let marinate in the fridge overnight. (This whole marinating thing is completely optional. It'll make the flavor stronger if you plan far enough ahead to do it. Otherwise, don't.) Pour the whole chicken/oil/spices mess into a skillet. Cover and cook over medium heat until the chicken is no longer pink inside.
While the chicken is cooking, bring a pot of water to a boil and drop in a handful of string beans. Boil 2-3 minutes. Drain the beans and run them under cold water. Shake them dry. When the chicken is just about dry, throw the beans in the pan and mix them around to soak up the flavor. Let it all cook another few minutes, then serve. Pour curry sauce over the whole thing. Tasty.

TONY Cheap Eats '07

I'd be remiss if I didn't link to this one.

Check out especially the free section. Looks like I've got my work cut out for me trying all this...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The NY Times gets in on the game

All this bad economic news will probably bring a lot of articles like these - I intent to check the place out this weekend.